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5 Dream Team dinner guests

By April 17, 2012January 1st, 2025No Comments

There are five people for whom I would walk over broken glass, if on the other side of said glass was a dinner table set for six, with them waiting for me. Here they are, in no particular order:

Marie Curie

My mother was a stone-cold science geek. One of her inspirations was Madame Curie, who literally gave her life to her scientific research. I’d love to ask Mme. Curie what it was like to be a brilliant scientist and a woman at a time when women were supposed to be mere decorative objects or domestic drudges. I’m sure her self-told story would be incredible to hear.

Oscar Wilde

What can I say? I’m just Wilde about Oscar, always have been. His sharp wit, his inability to truck with idiots, his life-long search for beauty and intellectual stimulation, along with a good laugh, tell me that he and I would be instant BFFs. I would love to hear his take on social media. And the Kardashians.

Tenzin Gyatzo

Who’s that, you say? The Dalai Lama, kids. Actually, I kinda did have dinner with him once, in a sushi bar on Rt. 7 in Arlington, VA. I was in there on a busy Saturday night with my sister, and we were negotiating seats at the sushi bar – the place was packed – when suddenly there was a noticeable shift of all eyes to the big group waiting in line behind us. In the middle of that group was a bright-eyed guy in saffron robes. Yep, the Dalai Lama. We got our seats at the sushi bar, and he was seated immediately at the owner’s table.


You don’t know who she is? She faced down the Roman Empire in what is now Wales back in AD 60 or so, and even though she was eventually defeated and killed herself to prevent capture, she’s my kind of woman: fierce, a leader, and not afraid to go up against a massively larger force in defense of her home and her people. Her rebellion made the Romans question their occupation of Britain. Yep, my kind of gal.

George Clooney

If you need to ask why … well, don’t. I’ve never liked pretty boys, but handsome men with brains? OMG, bring ‘em on! There are not a lot of Hollywood peeps who walk their talk the way George does. I’d consider it a privilege to break bread with him – and I bet he’d be thrilled to meet the other four guests on this list!