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Raising Cain … then lowering him. 3 tips to avoid his mistake.

By media commentary

The quadrennial silly season known as the US Presidential race has been in full cry on the Republican side for about six months now, with some highly entertaining spectacle already on display. Unfortunately, a popular favorite, Herman Cain, who had built up quite a head of steam as a leading contender, has been somewhat sidelined by accusations that have put his campaign in PR-crisis-management. First, let me make it clear that I have no dog in this fight. I’m still waiting for the Logic Party to form, and meanwhile am a member of the No Labels movement – in other words, I’m apolitical outside the voting booth, when I hold my nose and do the best I can under the circumstances. My purpose here is to point out the three simple, yet critical, steps Cain and his campaign communications team should have taken to, if not 100% avoid this epic mud-fest, at least keep it at small-mud-puddle level. Vet the candidate fully. Pretend you’re on the oppo research team of another candidate and vet the bejabbers out of your guy. Or gal. Go after anything that could possibly lurk as a Nannygate, or sexual harassment, or financial/business ethics challenge. The Cain team is steeping in a big bucket of #epicfail right now, because according to London Daily Telegraph US editor Toby Harnden, oppo research leakage was what led to the Politico piece that started this mud-fest. When you know the worst, plan the response. When you’ve got all the skeletons out of the closet and into the living room, start figuring out how to make them look less threatening. In this instance, simply putting the story out themselves would have taken much of the power of it off the table. Never, ever let a big story about you get out…

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Why is business expected to pay for healthcare in the US?

By healthcare industry, healthcare price transparency

I’ve asked this question frequently over the years, starting in the ’80s, continuing to today … and I’ll keep it up until someone realizes that it’s a failed paradigm. What we have here, kidz, is what happens when a society decides that socialism is anathema, but doesn’t empower and educate its citizens about how to take responsibility for themselves in ways that will keep them healthy, productive community members. Business started picking up the tab for healthcare during World War II, when stiff wage controls made it impossible for defense plants to give their employees raises. In place of more money, they started to pay for health insurance – which state and federal government were more than happy to turn into mandated employee benefits over the next 20 years. What happened then was predictable: three generations have been out of touch with the true cost of healthcare, and the true cost of their choices about their health. If you’re a good little American consumer, you do whatever your television tells you to do: eat this. Buy that. Otherwise the terrorists win! Three generations of disconnection from the real costs of our medical care have delivered us an epidemic of obesity – thanks to plentiful empty calories, courtesy of agri-business, and our willingness to beach ourselves on our sofas, in our SUVs, or at our computers, the better to receive more messages about what we should buy and eat. Health insurance costs have skyrocketed as we’ve become a nation of couch potatoes. Companies are scaling back their employee health benefits as those costs continue to rise, putting more and more people in the un-insured or under-insured bucket. Is that rise in healthcare costs, which in turn drives higher premiums, combining with the federal mandate that all companies offer employees health insurance…

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#1 patient rule in #occupyhealthcare: be responsible for yourself

By e-patients, healthcare industry

Healthcare providers are waking up and realizing that they need to partner with their patients to get better outcomes for their facilities and practices, and for their patients. As Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) get more and more press, the healthcare delivery side is the entity being held accountable. Patients must step up to the bumper on accountability, too. Two phrases have entered the medical lexicon thanks to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a/k/a “healthcare reform.” PPACA is not actually healthcare reform, it’s health payment reform, but I digress. The two phrases are “patient-engagement,” and “patient-centeredness.” Doctors are being told that they must engage with patients, and offer care centered on their patients’ needs … but that engagement and centeredness message is not being simultaneously driven toward patients. Therein lies an opportunity for #fail. Patients need to take responsibility for their health, their actions, and their care. I’m not saying that we should shut up, sit down, and do what we’re told. What we must do is ask questions, work to understand the answers, and then do what is in our own best interest, health-wise. That does not include ignoring instructions to cut down on salt or saturated fats. It most certainly does not involve living on drive-thru meals and expecting a prescription to resolve your expanding waistline or blood sugar numbers. In this month’s HealthLeaders, Joe Cantlupe talks about how doctors are making more robust suggestions to their patients, with the goal of turning medical care into a true partnership between patients and providers. Healthcare providers need to step up and work with their patients, turning healthcare into a team sport. Patients MUST step up and take responsibility for their choices as well as a full share of decision-making. That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it …

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Healthcare: It’s time for us to #arabspring this b*tch

By healthcare industry

I had the opportunity to speak at a digital pharma marketing conference – DTC Perspectives’ Marketing to the Digital Consumer – last week. “DTC” is Direct To Consumer, by the way. I was representing the patient voice, at the invitation of my friends at the health activist community WEGO Health. It was terrific for several reasons – connecting with other healthcare social media peeps in pharma, meeting and mingling with some powerful voices in pharma leadership, learning more about the regulatory environment that pharma marketers work in – but the biggest “wow!” that day happened between my ears. I realized that pharma – and healthcare in toto – is desperate for its own #arabspring. A complete re-alignment of the entire system, driven from the bottom up, that will benefit all players: pharma, health systems, clinicians, researchers, patients … people. All of us. This epiphany arrived courtesy of a combination of factors. First, I felt a little like a zoo animal, since I was the only one at the conference wearing an Official Patient sign. I found that amusing, since everyone in the room is a patient at some level, even if they’re only seeing a doc once a year for a check-up. I’m not even a pharma consumer who’s on a buffet of drugs, although I do take a fat handful of supplements every morning. Why are patients seen as exotic creatures by pharma, and by most of the healthcare industry? Patients = people, people. Treat us like … people. Second, since I also wear a PR/media/content-creator hat, I saw that they were making a real effort to understand how they could take advantage of social media as a direct-marketing tool. They were approaching this as an industry with a huge regulatory oversight burden, from the FDA to the US…

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Dear kids: school is your job. Act accordingly.

By media commentary

It has become accepted wisdom that public schools in the US are failing their students. I confess to believing some of that conventional wisdom: I think we’re losing generation after generation of inner-city and rural kids with sub-par schools and technology. I also think that inner-city schools have become both a dumping ground for teachers who shouldn’t be teaching, and a road to exhaustion and defeat for teachers who arrive fired up and get ground under the wheels of budget shortfalls, bureaucracy, and bullsh*t. But I digress. The Washington Post Answer Sheet blog shared a post by Will Fitzhugh, editor of the Concord Review – the world’s only English-language quarterly review for history academic papers by high school students (smart kids + smart teachers = intellectual advancement for all!) – that puts the blame for poor student performance at the feet of … students. The title of the post: “Teachers Not Enough? Who Knew?” And he’s 110% right there. I’m now going to sound like the geezer I’m becoming, but just roll with me for a minute here. When I was in school, my job was to go to school, do my work, and learn. That was my job. The one that would set the stage for all the jobs coming after, the one without successful completion thereof I would be stamped with the storied “L on my forehead” and consigned to the career-and-success scrap heap. It was up to me to learn as much as I could, and use that knowledge to forge my way in the world. Am I nuts, or does it seem as though students in K-12 now believe it’s the responsibility of the school to pry open their brains and pour in knowledge without much in the way of student effort? And that expectation is…

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My #1 social media rule: be human first. Then be a brand.

By media commentary, PR

I’ve noticed a huge increase in friend requests on Facebook and invitations to connect on LinkedIn that come from logos, not faces. I don’t accept any of them, and here’s why: the word “social” precedes the word “media” for a reason. Social media is social. My Oxford American dictionary defines social thus: 1. of or relating to society or its organization; 2. concerned with the mutual concerns of human beings or of classes of human beings; 3. living in organized communities. Nowhere in that definition do the words corporation, brand, or enterprise appear. It’s all about human beings: their activities, their concerns. So why should I be “friends” with a logo? I’ve ignored friend requests from restaurants, insurance companies, car dealers, and a host of other branded personal profiles. I’m looking for a human connection, and only then will I consider adding a connection to a brand represented by that human connection. On LinkedIn, this seems even more egregious. I understand that many small business owners are solopreneurs, and their company brand and their personal identity can seem to be inextricably intertwined. However, I want to see and connect with the person. And then, based on my assessment of their talents/value/contributions, I might choose to follow their company. But they have to convince me that they’re human first. Major brands make the same mistake on a larger scale, and have since the enterprise emerged after the Industrial Revolution. That’s been the subject of both humor – “what’s good for General Bullmoose is good for the USA!” from Al Capp’s L’il Abner was inspired by Eisenhower SecDef and former GM CEO Charles Wilson’s Congressional testimony that included “what’s good for GM is good for the country” – and rage. The rage includes everything from the Motrin Moms mess, to the #epicfail that…

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Digital Patient Bill of Rights: check!

By cancer, e-patients, healthcare industry, participatory medicine

A group of about 20 passionate e-patients, including e-Patient Dave his own self and yours truly, gathered around a biiiiig table on Monday in Philadelphia to talk about what an e-patient Bill of Rights might look like. I have to give a shout-out to my buddies at WEGO Health, particularly Jack Barrette, Bob Brooks, and Natalia Forsyth One conclusion: don’t call it the e-patient Bill of Rights. Since we’re talking digital healthcare, let’s call it the Digital Patients Bill of Rights. That conclusion was reached hours into the discussion, which ranged over topics from chronic conditions like diabetes, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia to acute illness like cancer. We had about four hours to hammer out a first-principles statement, and Mark Bard of the Digital Health Coalition deserves the Cat-Herding Nobel Prize for keeping a group of vocal, passionate, diverse e-patients on task. To lift directly from the Klick Pharma blog (Klick was one of the sponsors of the event, along with Pixels & Pills, Health Central, Care Coach, Kru Research, Radian 6, Red Nucleus, Think Brownstone, Verilogue, and a who’s who of health media sponsors): “After an intense four hours, we were able to reach consensus on the following key messages as a foundation to a Digital Patient Bill of Rights: Shared access to my data Attitude of collaboration and overall respect The patient is the largest stakeholder Transparency and authenticity across all areas Voice of the patient is a legitimate (clinical) source The right to efficient communication with providers who utilize the technology that we need” It’s a start. A damn good one. The Klick Pharma blog post also has a full list of all the e-patients who participated in the conversation. It was quite a day. Some of my thoughts about the conversation, and the event: Those dealing with chronic conditions have an even deeper need to be activist e-patients. They also have a greater level of knowledge, and can be true leaders in this on-going discussion. Each healthcare…

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Being in business means you’ll ALWAYS have to say you’re sorry.


I don’t care what being in love means regarding saying you’re sorry. Personally, I think Erich Segal’s book sucks, but I digress. If you’re in business – running one, managing one, working for one – you’re in the apology business. In fact, being human puts you in the apology business 24/7/365. And business always needs a good dose of human, particularly in the age of the 24-hour news cycle and the Facebook Fan Page wall post. Not being human, and being willing to admit you made a mistake? #fail. In a great post on, Tim Donnelly gives very solid tips on how to approach the brand apology when your business screws the pooch. His #1 tip: just say it. “I’m sorry.” Simple … so why is it so hard for a brand to do that? I think the root cause of brand cluelessness is that businesses forget that they are, after all, human. They may own skyscrapers in cities around the world, but guess what? Those buildings are full of … people. Doing business with … people. When your spouse, or your buddy, or your kid do something to hurt you or your feelings, they apologize. You do the same thing when you screw up. (If you don’t, let me know. I know some terrific divorce attorneys.) Same rules apply if you’re J.C. Penney, the example that Donnelly uses in his piece. Be human, don’t be a brand-droid. You don’t have to literally fall on your sword, or drape yourself in sackcloth and ashes (I still have random PTSD episodes from 12 years of Catholic education) to apologize. You don’t have to take responsibility for every goof since the beginning of your brand’s recorded history, either. Just say you’re sorry, and then you can move on. If your factory…

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“Screw it, let’s do it.”

By healthcare industry

The headline on this post is the title of Richard Branson‘s business memoir. The full title: Screw It, Let’s Do It: Lessons in Life and Business. The link will take you to the book on Amazon, so you can just do it and buy the book. I had the opportunity to literally see Branson in action on Friday, 9/9/11 at Richmond Unite’s #DSRPT11 conference right here in River City (Richmond VA), which also featured some other visionary thinkers who exhorted the crowd in attendance to get out of their business comfort zones and create some disruption. Richard Branson has disrupted many industries: music, aviation, travel, mobile, broadband, just to name a few. He talked about his failures (Anybody here remember Virgin Cola? Yeah, me neither.), and was anxious to convey the message that his “screw it, let’s do it” rallying cry became even more important to him because of those failures. There is only do, or not do. There is no try. Thanks, Yoda. The other big thinkers on the stage all shared the same ethos – look beyond what you perceive as your borders, whether those borders are physical, mental, geographical, or just imaginary. If you have an idea, chase it down and make it real. If you fail, get up and chase the next idea. Immobility is your only enemy. One of the speakers, Harry Singer, said two things during his presentation that really stuck with me, and with other folks I talked to at #DSRPT11: Don’t ask why, figure out how  Don’t tell them what it is, tell them what it does The first is something we should teach children from birth, and keep on teaching them and each other throughout our lives. The second is a titanium nugget if you’re in sales or marketing: what your product…

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How to de-power your PR in a crisis


On August 27, a very angry Hurricane Irene came calling all up and down the east coast, including Virginia – which is where I live. I have plenty of hurricane experience, including a sojourn 500 miles offshore in a schooner during a Category 1 hurricane. I don’t recommend that experience unless you really want to know what your laundry feels like on max-agitate in your washing machine. Landmasses with human habitation that are visited by hurricanes always have plenty of wind and flooding damage, and our experience with Irene was pretty typical. Lots of trees were knocked down, which took a lot of power lines with ’em, meaning that lots of local utility customers were in the steamy dark once Irene blew town. #1 cause of a PR crisis: lots of unhappy people. No one – at least, no one with a mature level of life experience – could have expected Dominion Virginia Power to restore everyone to lighted bliss immediately. Those of us who were here during Hurricane Isabel (hurricanes with “I” names must hate the Commonwealth of Virginia) knew we were in for a sweaty, dark few days, at least. Crews from utilities in surrounding states came in to help Dominion crews get us all lit up again. They are still working their butts off, and they are most certainly not the target of this post’s ire. Because Dominion has truly screwed the PR/crisis-comms pooch on Irene’s aftermath. All the interactive outage maps in the world – and Dominion has some great ones – mean squat to customers who have to huddle in a local Panera or library to view them. Announcing where crews are working via local media is of some help. What Dominion failed to do, however, was put a face on the problem. One of…

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