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Scream of consciousness

By e-patients

#hawmc Day 12 says stream of consciousness. i say scream. here goes. i frankly don’t care if you find my language offensive. i grew up with a fighter pilot as a father, he taught me ferocity and i’ve never un-learned it. i worked and lived in new-york-city for manymany years, including manymany years in live/national/international tv news. if you think that doesn’t make you learn the brooklyn alphabet, you’re fucking crazy. i hate injustice. i loathe cruelty. i have no respect for jerks. i don’t care if you think you’re pretty, act like an ass to others an you’re the ugliest thing on the planet. meanness is meaningless, it’s nihilism (look it up) and should be banished from the planet. if we don’t teach kids how to be critical thinkers, they’ll turn into idiots who will buy anything their television tells them to. think about it. weep for our future. if we don’t care for each other, who the hell will? self-esteem doesn’t count, it’s all about the self-worth, bitches. learn this. live it daily. or shut up. don’t believe anything anyone who’s running for office says. look at what they’ve done. if they haven’t done anything, don’t vote for ‘em. it’s that simple. speaking of doing, judge only by deeds, not by words, for everything. it keeps life simple. trust me. ease pain. increase love. share your feelings with kindness. talk to a child like they have a brain. wag more, bark less. speaking of dogs, find out how powerful downward-facing dog pose is, and assume that pose frequently. it will adjust your worldview in ways that will make a difference to everyone. imagine what the world would be like if everyone at any meeting anywhere took a quick down-dog break when things got tense. hard to act like…

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Burning Down The House (my theme song)

By e-patients

For better or worse, I’ve always been willing to start a fire, or a riot, or a fight, to move a cause or idea forward. So why on earth would I not have The Talking Heads’ epic anthem “Burning Down The House” as a theme song? Here’s a live performance: The lyrics:

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Dear 16-year-old me. #HAWMC Day 10.

By e-patients

Dear 16-year-old Mary-now-called-Casey: Mom & dad never meant for you to think, all your life, that you were a hideous fat pig. You had that chunky phase, 12 thru 13, and they did get pretty fierce about your weight. They were operating out of fear combined with love, though, and didn’t ever intend for you to carry that psychic burden. Let it go, now, before it buries you. Stop smoking now, so when you’re in your early 30s you don’t start noticing its effects, and then spend 15+ years trying to quit before finally accomplishing that feat. Quitting now will be the best thing ever. Boys, and men, are going to behave like jerks most of the time when it comes to romance. For at least the next 40 years. Don’t think it’s you. It’s not. You can’t fix a guy, you can’t help a guy, you can’t be a lifeline for a guy. Throwing a lifeline will just haul you overboard. Be happy, be yourself, don’t sell yourself short. Be glad you paid close attention, and did some important worst-case-scenario planning, during health-ed class this year. You’ll know what I’m talking about within two years. We’ll keep this one between ourselves, but know that I know it will galvanize your thinking for the rest of your life. Stick with your dreams. Otherwise you’ll spend a few decades earning a living, but not really living your life. Don’t fear fear. Fear unfocused anger more than fear. That unfocused anger will turn into depression and self-doubt if you let it. You have been warned. That recurring dream you had when you were 10 years old about getting breast cancer? It will turn out to be foreshadowing. But you’ll run with that ball really hard down the field, and you’ll make a…

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Best. Conversation. Ever. (Take 1)

By e-patients

Time: Friday, March 30, 2012, about 1:30pm EDT Scene: a restaurant Players: 1 woman, 1 man, 2 male extras The woman and two male extras are having lunch and discussing a business project. The woman’s phone buzzes, she looks at the screen Woman: Oh, it’s my sister in law. My brother had brain surgery yesterday, I’ve got to take this. [she touches screen to answer call] Hey there, honey bunch! Man [on phone]: It’s probably not the honey bunch you were expecting. Woman: OH MY GOD, it’s YOU! How ARE you? [she whispers to her companions] It’s my BROTHER! I’ve gotta go outside to hear. I’ll be right back. Man [on phone, at the same time]: I’m GREAT. Although I’m starving. The bran muffin they brought me for breakfast … well, I’m pretty sure my tumor was bigger. Since I didn’t get dinner last night, by this morning I was ready for some serious chowing-down. They promised to do better at lunch. I’m waiting to see what the level of their game is then. Woman: Really? They saw your head open, drag out something huge, and you’re already complaining about the food? That’s … awesome! [laughs] Man: Yeah, I know. I feel pretty good, other than a headache, but they’re giving me meds for that. I’m surprised I feel this good, but I do. [laughs] Woman: You’re still in the ICU, right? Man: Yeah. And I’ve got enough monitoring gear on me that it’s a challenge to get out of bed. I’m allowed to do that, but I have to turn into a juggler to actually accomplish it. Not a great situation, given that I have a bit of a stability issue from the surgery and the meds. Woman: When you get out of there, maybe we could put our…

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The Checklist

By cancer, e-patients, healthcare industry

This document has its own page on the site as of yesterday, so I thought I’d take advantage of #HAWMC to pimp it toward the e-patient and health activist community. It was debuted during my talk “Dating Tips for Doctors & Patients” for internal medicine grand rounds at Walter Reed/Bethesda Naval Hospital on March 29. I put the Checklist together because (a) I know how much clinicians love a checklist and (b) because, printed front-and-back on one sheet of paper, this document could kick off some great relationships, or repair broken ones, between doctors and patients. Share it, share your thoughts about it. Checklist-for-Clinicians-+-Patients

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Haiku. You?

By cancer, e-patients, healthcare industry

The brain creates thoughts Yet rarely thinks of itself Un-self-seeing sentience – Cancer cells creep in No light cat’s feet involved here Only crawling death’s hands – Some say health is wealth Yet wealth can be penury If health is absent – Breasts are beautiful Yet can become pure terror At a small cell’s whim – Haiku does not come naturally to me – I tend more to prosaic bursts of thought with much syllabic activity. I do enjoy a challenge, though …

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Lighten up. Take flight.

By cancer, e-patients, healthcare industry, storytelling

I was almost 11 years old when my brother was born. I’m the one of the three of us (me, middle sis, little bro) who has had the biggest health adventure (cancer) … at least until early March of 2012. One of my favorite memories of my brother as a little boy centers on a few-week stretch of time in the spring of ’69 when he was almost six, and I was about to turn 17. We were living in Coronado, the island village in San Diego Bay, on Alameda Avenue. The kitchen breakfast nook had a window that looked out on the driveway, and mom had put up a hummingbird feeder on the eave next to the window looking to attract some of the flock of hummingbirds that make the island home. We hit the daily double that year. The window sill was about five inches wide. There was an ample source of food – the feeder. A hummingbird pair seeking a perfect nest placement couldn’t do any better than that. We saw the nest at breakfast one morning – a small, perfect bowl for tiny hummingbird eggs – and my brother was riveted. Every morning, he would literally leap out of bed, race to the kitchen, drag a chair toward the window, and look to see if the eggs had hatched. One morning they had. We watched the hummingbird mom feed her chicks, we watched her give them flying lessons – a nail-biter series, trust me – and then we watched them all fly off to start the cycle themselves. Fly, mate, hatch, fly. I had always liked watching hummingbirds. Since that spring, I’ve been in love with watching hummingbirds, because it brought back the memory of a little boy’s joy at watching a story unfold outside his…

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Life is 100% fatal. Let’s have fun while we’re here.

By e-patients, healthcare industry

Day 4 of #hawmc. Prompt is “I write about my health because … ” I don’t write about just my health because … well, how boring would *that* be? Very. I write about health and healthcare for all of us: me, you, ever’body. Health is our life, it’s what we do, it’s how we behave, it’s how we care for ourselves, it’s how we live life to the fullest. Many of us don’t get a chance to dance, at least not on our own two feet. Many of us don’t get to sing, because we have no voice to raise. Many of us don’t get to laugh, because our ability to see and react/interact is not present for one reason or another. If you can sing, if you can dance, if you can laugh, if you can enjoy a great time over a meal with friends and family … rejoice. Help someone who can’t do any/all of that find some joy if you want to know what “stupendous” feels like. There is one guarantee in life: it’s 100% fatal. None of us gets out of here alive. Be as good to yourself as possible. Help others be as good to themselves as possible. Eat good food, drink clean water, enjoy your body to the extent you can – surfing the North Shore of Oahu or just making it across the room. Whatever your limits are, test them. Stretch. Reach. I write about health because health is life. Healthcare starts within our own heads and hearts. It’s not something that happens “over there” in a healthcare facility. It happens to you every day in how you think about and treat yourself. I write about our health because I want to make a difference, to help drive some positive change within myself…

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Paranoia: American as apple pie. And gunpowder.

By media commentary

Yesterday (Monday, April 2, 2012) the US Supreme Court handed down a 5-4 decision on the legality of strip searches in jails and prisons. The news is not good for anyone who gets arrested – guilty or not – and proves that the precept of “innocent until proven guilty” is sinking beneath the surf of paranoia that has marked the last decade, and has been a dark underbelly of the American character since Columbus landed all those moons ago. Which leads me to reflect on the fact that it appears that the more open and social global society becomes, the more paranoid some sectors of society in turn become. Look at the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin incident in Sanford, Florida. Would Martin have been in danger of being pursued and shot by a self-appointed neighborhood watch volunteer if it were not for some serious societal paranoia that drove Zimmerman to feel that he needed to wander the streets strapped with a 9 mil? Full disclosure: I’m a gun owner. Additional full disclosure: if someone breaks into my house when I’m there, they run a risk of getting a face-full of lead. However, I don’t walk in paranoia when walking the streets of the city where I live. And I didn’t on the streets of New York City for the 27 years I walked there, even though I often found myself in dangerous places because of my work in TV news. The Kinks song “Destroyer” says it all: Silly boy you got so much to live for So much to aim for, so much to try for You blowing it all with paranoia You’re so insecure you self-destroyer Paranoia, the destroyer Paranoia, the destroyer As a culture, I think we need to take a long hard look at how we view our fellow…

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