Dear Bill, I think I can call you Bill, since we’ve known each other since early 1989, the first time I actually met you, at the Democratic Governor’s Conference at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Oh, you don’t remember me? No surprise, I was buried in the front row of the press gaggle, helping cover the meeting for the Today Show. I continued to cover you – on the campaign trail in ’92, at Madison Square Garden when you were nominated, and throughout your 8 years in office, including l’affaire Lewinsky – for years. So we’re blood, brother. This morning, I read a piece in MedCityNews about your $630K in speaking fees for two appearances, in 2013 and 2014, at the World Patient Safety, Science and Technology Summit in Dana Point, California. My head exploded. You see, I have myself been working for years on transforming the healthcare sector into something that serves humanity, not corporate bottom lines or C-suite ivory tower dwellers. I’ve been doing this based on my direct experience, as a family advocate and caregiver for two members of the Greatest Generation, and then as my own advocate through cancer treatment. I know how screwed up the US healthcare system is. I also, thanks to the fact that I’ve been (a) loud and (b) indefatigable, know that the global healthcare system ain’t exactly all beer and skittles, either, but the US system is particularly remarkable in its ability to strip off $3-trillion-with-a-T in revenue every year, in exchange for serving up 11th place in the global Top 10 of healthcare system quality. As I mentioned, my head exploded at the $630K speaking fees you received for keynoting at the World Summit over two years. You see, I get invited to all sorts of national healthcare system transformation shindigs, often to appear on the platform myself, usually…
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