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An open letter to Pres. Bill Clinton

By cancer, e-patients, healthcare industry, politics

Dear Bill, I think I can call you Bill, since we’ve known each other since early 1989, the first time I actually met you, at the Democratic Governor’s Conference at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Oh, you don’t remember me? No surprise, I was buried in the front row of the press gaggle, helping cover the meeting for the Today Show. I continued to cover you – on the campaign trail in ’92, at Madison Square Garden when you were nominated, and throughout your 8 years in office, including l’affaire Lewinsky – for years. So we’re blood, brother. This morning, I read a piece in MedCityNews about your $630K in speaking fees for two appearances, in 2013 and 2014, at the World Patient Safety, Science and Technology Summit in Dana Point, California. My head exploded. You see, I have myself been working for years on transforming the healthcare sector into something that serves humanity, not corporate bottom lines or C-suite ivory tower dwellers. I’ve been doing this based on my direct experience, as a family advocate and caregiver for two members of the Greatest Generation, and then as my own advocate through cancer treatment. I know how screwed up the US healthcare system is. I also, thanks to the fact that I’ve been (a) loud and (b) indefatigable, know that the global healthcare system ain’t exactly all beer and skittles, either, but the US system is particularly remarkable in its ability to strip off $3-trillion-with-a-T in revenue every year, in exchange for serving up 11th place in the global Top 10 of healthcare system quality. As I mentioned, my head exploded at the $630K speaking fees you received for keynoting at the World Summit over two years. You see, I get invited to all sorts of national healthcare system transformation shindigs, often to appear on the platform myself, usually…

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Healthcare Talk: Patients with Power

By healthcare industry, technology

I had the chance to participate in a Hangout on Air with Kathi Browne, who is the founder/moderator of the Google+ Healthcare Talk community. If you’re on G+ and in the healthcare industry, that community is one you want to join – lots of discussion on topics from healthcare policy to social media to patient safety to care quality. It’s invitation-only – if you’d like to join, hit the G+ link above and ask Kathi to add you to the community. Last night’s (Monday, Oct. 28, 2013) Hangout on Air was a conversation with Bill Guthrie, CEO of Patients with Power, a new web-based platform for shared decision-making for cancer patients and their oncology teams that’s in beta at UCSF’s lung cancer oncology unit and also as a survival-planning tool at Cornell-Weill/New York Presbyterian’s ob-gyn onco unit. Decision-making for cancer patients – shared, or not – is a firehose. Patients with Power does what its name promises, it gives patients access to the information they need to make an informed decision, information that’s solidly based in evidence-based medicine since it’s based wholly on National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines for cancer treatment. Bill has given me a demo of the tool, and it’s superb. He also did a walk-though last night. Give a watch/listen: //

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“How much is that?” is a critical question in healthcare

By cancer, e-patients, healthcare industry, healthcare price transparency

This story from PBS Newshour clearly shows how important it is to ask questions, and shop around, when it comes to prescription drug prices. Think a generic drug guarantees a lower price? Not so much. Watch this story, and learn how the same generic drug can cost anywhere from $11 to $455. The best way to get the lowest price? The same way you shop for shoes, or appliances: research online, ask local retailers, and make an informed decision.

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Digital Patient Bill of Rights: check!

By cancer, e-patients, healthcare industry, participatory medicine

A group of about 20 passionate e-patients, including e-Patient Dave his own self and yours truly, gathered around a biiiiig table on Monday in Philadelphia to talk about what an e-patient Bill of Rights might look like. I have to give a shout-out to my buddies at WEGO Health, particularly Jack Barrette, Bob Brooks, and Natalia Forsyth One conclusion: don’t call it the e-patient Bill of Rights. Since we’re talking digital healthcare, let’s call it the Digital Patients Bill of Rights. That conclusion was reached hours into the discussion, which ranged over topics from chronic conditions like diabetes, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia to acute illness like cancer. We had about four hours to hammer out a first-principles statement, and Mark Bard of the Digital Health Coalition deserves the Cat-Herding Nobel Prize for keeping a group of vocal, passionate, diverse e-patients on task. To lift directly from the Klick Pharma blog (Klick was one of the sponsors of the event, along with Pixels & Pills, Health Central, Care Coach, Kru Research, Radian 6, Red Nucleus, Think Brownstone, Verilogue, and a who’s who of health media sponsors): “After an intense four hours, we were able to reach consensus on the following key messages as a foundation to a Digital Patient Bill of Rights: Shared access to my data Attitude of collaboration and overall respect The patient is the largest stakeholder Transparency and authenticity across all areas Voice of the patient is a legitimate (clinical) source The right to efficient communication with providers who utilize the technology that we need” It’s a start. A damn good one. The Klick Pharma blog post also has a full list of all the e-patients who participated in the conversation. It was quite a day. Some of my thoughts about the conversation, and the event: Those dealing with chronic conditions have an even deeper need to be activist e-patients. They also have a greater level of knowledge, and can be true leaders in this on-going discussion. Each healthcare…

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